Magic "Affirmation" Words for Children


I am awesome.
You are awesome.
We are awesome.

Thoughts are the main ingredients of reality. 

The way that we think about and talk to ourselves will often impact us and the way that life unfolds. What could reality be like when we infiltrate our thoughts and self-talk with positive affirmations? The words, as shared above, can become the positive foundation (and belief-system) on which we and our children grow.

When working with children we often describe affirmations as magic words because the more you say these words, the more they will become true. Children can feel, and understand, that words have power in them. 

The right words, the correct power, can make all the difference. 

Coming with a background of yoga we like to overlap affirmations with mantra as a form of mindfulness practice. Translated directly, the word mantra can be broken down into: man (mind) and tra (transport or vehicle). Suggesting that mantra is an instrument/tool of the mind that can be used to transport oneself into a new state.

Here is a simple mantra tool to try out with your child(ren):

From a comfortable seat…

  • Bring your thumb and pointer finger to touch, say “I”

  • Bring your thumb and middle finger to touch, say “am”

  • Bring your thumb and ring finger to touch, say “awe”

  • Bring your thumb and pinky finger to touch, say “some” 

Repeat the mantra and movements listening to and believing the words, “I am awesome.” 

Your “I am” statement can feature the magic words that are right for you and your child(ren) today. If your magic words don’t have 4 beats/syllables you can add in a beat for silence or enjoy a brief OM. 

So, what are your magic words?

I am Strong.
I am Peaceful.
I am Kind.
I am Wise…

The magic is inside of you. What do you need to hear today?!

Emily Pease