A reason for jumping out of bed in the morning...

Yoga Teacher Training Basel, Ikigai Diagram


Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” The word Ikigai is composed of two parts: iki, which means life and gai, which describes value or worth. Discovering your Ikigai could also be defined as finding “your reason for jumping out of bed in the morning.” 

And isn’t that we are all looking for?! A reason to jump out of bed (every day!)…

The truth is that the world needs you to be living your purpose. Finding your Ikigai will require thoughtful reflection plus action. It is a process that happens and evolves over time, not overnight. But don’t worry, you won’t mind the process because every step along the path will be aligned with your energy and dream.

To start that path of purpose today, briefly journal and brainstorm these four questions: 

What do you LOVE? 
What are you GOOD AT?
What does the WORLD NEED?
What can you GET PAID FOR? 

The answers that you write will speak to your passions, your profession, your mission and your calling. Collect all of your thoughts even if they feel crazy and out-of-reach. Then read your answers and look for the patterns.

Hopefully in those patterns you find your excitement. Maybe there is something there to follow? Using that call you can start to align yourself with your purpose and begin to take action. Just little steps. 

Of course, we hope that when you follow your bliss…
you might overlap with ours… 

Coming up this spring, we have great opportunities for you to take your yoga further. Scroll below and find out more about our trainings and immersions. We know that they will transform your life for the better; and perhaps begin to ignite your ikigai.