YOGABLOOM GmbH offers Yoga Classes, Workshops, Trainings, Retreats and Private Lessons. The general terms and conditions described below apply to all services. With the purchase of services from YOGABLOOM GmbH (Basel, Switzerland) you accept all points of these terms and conditions without reservation. 

Safety, Risks and Liability: 

Before taking part in any service of YOGABLOOM GmbH for the first time, you will be required to complete a form that declares that there are no health concerns preventing your participation and that you willingly take your own responsibility before, during and after class.

Participation is at your own risk. YOGABLOOM GmbH and its teachers, are not liable for the consequences of any performed exercises and the resulting in damage to your health. Valid Health Insurance is your responsibility. Any liability is declined.  

Existing health restrictions (including pregnancy) must be reported to the staff and/or teacher of the lesson. The teacher has the right to exclude certain conditions from their class. If in doubt, seek out the advice of a Therapist or Doctor before purchasing services.  

YOGABLOOM GmbH assumes no liability for lost or damaged items. Claims for damages of any kind are excluded. Relevant insurance is the responsibility of the participant. 

Payment & Cancellation Policies: 

Your payment for services and products is non-refundable and non-transferable. 

The validity of each product is announced on the website and during the sale. 

YOGABLOOM GmbH has the right to change service offerings at any time. This can include the timings of classes, the teacher and the style of yoga offered. No refunds or compensations due to these changes will be available. 

A membership or class-pack can be paused for certain conditions (such as significant sickness lasting more than two weeks, injury and/or pregnancy). You may be asked to supply a doctors explanation. 

For course changes (ie: Programs like Teacher Trainings, Workshops and Series) the applicable cancellation policy will be shared & linked from the website Program page.

Data Protection: 

Personal data is treated confidentially and will not be shared with a third party. This does not apply to the transfer of data to Teachers and/or announced business partners for organizational reasons related to any program or event.

YOGABLOOM GmbH stores data electronically on MindBody online booking system. Your personal data will be stored for the following purposes:  

  • To make reservations and store open products

  • To create invoices

  • To create a booking history

Upon subscription to our Newsletter your email address and name will also be stored electronically on Mailchimp. You can cancel your Newsletter subscription at any time via the Unsubscribe Link in any monthly mail or by email to the YOGABLOOM administrators.  

Our website uses Cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your device that your browser saves. Some Cookies will be automatically deleted when you leave our website. Others remain until you delete them or they expire. By choosing to use our website you agree to storing Cookies. 

Our website stores Logfiles and connects with Google Analytics. This limited data about your web visit will be stored and could be used to optimize processes connected to the use of our website. 

YOGABLOOM GmbH uses photos to promote services on the website in a variety of social channels. If you recognize yourself in a photo and feel it has been taken against your will please directly contact us to remove the photo. Further and personal claims cannot be asserted. 


The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to YOGABLOOM GmbH. Written consent from the copyright holder must be obtained in order to reproduce any elements. 

Pfluggässlein 1
4001 Basel
+41 76 650 3800