Reclaiming Sense of Self through Rest
As we begin to reflect on these last days of 2020, we are making rest a priority.
For us rest doesn’t always look like a good nap or a full night of sleep - in fact, it rarely looks like that! Rest is so much more. Guided by some of our friends and colleagues we have been reframing rest as the recovery time that we give ourselves to come back to center.
This type of soul-level rest is an effective way to reclaim sense of self. Here are a few ways that you can prioritize rest this Winter * …
Take time away
Be less helpful
Do something unproductive
Connect with nature
Enjoy time alone to recharge
Take a break from responsibility
Practice finding stillness
In family life, these ideas might feel like selfish indulgences, but we believe that these acts are a crucial part of living a full life. When you treat yourself well, that goodness will ripple out into your relationships with your loved ones and community. Your kids will love your increase in awesomeness!
* We first saw a variation on this list at - you can follow the link to dig a little deeper into the 9 Types of Rest and the related Enneagrams (personality types related to core motivations).