Family Care in the Holidays
The holidays are fun and joyous but also super busy and sometimes extra stressful. ’Tis the season of rushing around, eating unhealthy foods and getting less sleep (despite the longer dark hours). It’s a melting pot for stress and exhaustion.
So let us take some time this season for self-care!
I know… you are too busy, right?! The thing is that as parents we get to set the tone for how our children feel and behave. Our kids are incredibly perceptive and they pick up on our moods. (This is a lesson that I keep on learning!)
My recommendation is this… Carve out just a few minutes (at least) of time every day to take a walk, drink a hot tea, read a book, do some yoga, or whatever it is that brings you joy and helps you stay centered in your body, mind and spirit. Your kids will benefit from it.
Even better yet, introduce similar activities into your family life and call it ‘family-care.’ Take a walk together just after dinner, sit down and read a good chapter book, come to family yoga (yes!) or just get into the spirit of creating a healthy holiday tradition together.