What is your Why?
I found my way into teaching Family & Kids yoga by following a Why. I was motivated by my - then - nearly 2 year old daughter.
Since she entered my life she was and always is my Why - my reason for taking any direction in life (I guess you understand that feeling!?). I wanted yoga to be a positive force in her life and truthfully, I had no idea where to begin without training.
I also stayed with teaching yoga to families & kids by following a Why. I continually witness the transformation and joy that yoga brings to my community. I see the bonding that is possible with families who do yoga together. I experience the feelings of success that are possible when children progress with challenging poses.
And I started my yoga practice with my daughter by following a Why. I wanted her to know her body, to grow with a sense of confidence and to have a strong sense of center (for her to know her Why). At age five - now - I see that yoga has been a gift in her life.
What is your Why?
Wishing you contentment and happiness in 2019 and beyond!